Mamas Quilt
2015/2016 Season

An original musical written for Small Time Theatre

Abby, Louise, Katie, and Rachel are looking forward to new dresses, once their Mama wins first place in a quilting contest. But for Mama to win, she needs material to make the quilt. Luckily, Johnny’s Ma sent the perfect scraps over for Mama to use, but tragically Abby looses them before Mama even sees them. The girls gather their friends and come up with a plan to get more scraps that will take all of them working together and involving the whole community, with everyone contributing their own unique talents. Along the way, the girls learn that some things are more important than new dresses.


25 casts members, grades 1 – 9


Cardel Theatre
180 Quarry Park Blvd.
Calgary, AB

Background image by doodle_flower on freepik.